Integration by Substitution

By Math Original No comments

Integration by Substitution This method is also called the u-substitution or the reverse of chain rule of derivation. The chain rule except being useful in derivation is also in integration: If we have two functions $ displaystyle f(x)$ and $ displaystyle g(x)$ then the derivative of their composite function is:$ displaystyle (fcirc g{)}'(x)={f}'(g(x)){g}'(x)$. How it helps on integration […]

Simultaneous linear equations

By Math Original No comments

Simultaneous linear equations What are simultaneous equations? Simultaneous equations are a set of two or more equations, each containing two or more variables whose values can simultaneously satisfy both or all the equations in the set, the number of variables being equal to or less than the number of equations in the set. Simultaneous linear […]